If you’re interested in watching or showing the Meatrix® you can download a digital copy by clicking the following link. Use this form to let us know how you’re using the movie or ask us a question.


Originally released in November 2003, The Meatrix® is an award-winning series of short animated movies about problems created by industrial agriculture. The movies are intended to educate viewers and motivate them to change our food system. Read more in our About section.
How can I share The Meatrix?
Share the movies with others by clicking the share button on the film, Hold a free screening of the films, share on social media, show the movies at your school, post on your website or recommend the movies to event organizers. Have other ideas? Let us know!
Can I screen The Meatrix publically?
Yes! The Meatrix can be shown to non-paying audiences. We like to keep track of how the movies are used, so please use the contact form above to let us know if you screen the film.
Can I use The Meatrix as a part of my curriculum? Is there a teaching kit?
Absolutely! Teachers around the world from elementary to graduate school have used The Meatrix to introduce students to factory farming issues. Please see our Educator Resources page for teaching tools. Also, if you have prepared a curriculum that includes the Meatrix films, please feel free to share them with us; we would love to include them on this website for other teachers to use. Contact us via Email
Can I add The Meatrix videos to my website?
The movies are available on YouTube for sharing.
Can I translate The Meatrix or add subtitles?
We appreciate the hard work of our fans, who have translated The Meatrix into over 30 languages. If you don't see your language on our site and would like to inquire about translating the movies, please contact us.
How can my organization get involved?
Promoting The Meatrix to raise awareness about the issues and encouraging the consumption of sustainable foods can help immensely. Contact us for other opportunities.